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Procurement are 360 Degree Influencers

Writer's picture: StuStu

They don’t just have to influence suppliers, but also stakeholders, colleagues and clients, all while building productive relationships.

And it ain’t always easy. People are busy. They can struggle to see the value, there’s pressure to deliver, and by the time procurement is brought in it can seem like the concrete is already setting.

We recently wrapped up the second cohort of MBIE’s Influencing in Action programme (see the link below). This two-month programme is designed to help procurement professionals become better influencers. Not just in terms of getting initiatives over the line, but also to build more trusted relationships and help stakeholders discover the difference that procurement can make for them.

Over two months we had a diverse group of 20 procurement professionals from Auckland to Invercargill, with participants from central and local government and both big teams and small. The programme included weekly Masterclasses, group coaching, office hours and a tonne of practical application. We also had insightful “Voice of the Supplier”, “Voice of the Customer” and “Voice of the GM” interviews.

A key focus was how we can improve our performance as influencers by bringing more confidence, clarity and control to our important conversations and influencing efforts:

Confidence 👌 - because there are times when the important conversation is not the easy one

Clarity 👓 - because navigating the personalities, problems and pressures is not always clear

Control 🎯 - because without a level of self-mastery we won’t do what we need to do in the moment

The attached pic is from our final in-person wrap-up in Wellington. So good to meet in person after working so closely online.

Congratulations to the cohort who all successfully completed the course 🏆, and a big thanks to New Zealand Government Procurement for their vision for equipping procurement professionals to deliver more value for New Zealanders in the coming years.


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