This hastily snapped picture captures a once-in-a-lifetime moment; and the benefits of taking time to observe.
Here’s what happened. As I slowly made my way through a clearing on the West Coast of the South Island of NZ, I caught a glimpse of a fawn that was partially concealed in the tussock.
I saw the fawn.
The fawn saw me.
The fawn didn’t run away (…what ?!?)
Instead, it wandered around the tussock and started walking towards me. I couldn’t believe it.
The wee fawn approached to within five or so meters and then stared me out for two long minutes before ducking off into the bush.
I heard a bark from its mother from inside the bush line. My translation: “that’s the last time I let you out in a clearing …”
This moment was, in part, a pay-off for taking time to quietly observe what was going on and not rushing in. If I had crashed in without pausing to see what was there, the fawn would have bolted. Moment lost.
This reminded me of how easy it is to rush into a conversation without taking the time to observe what’s really going on. There is power in the pause. Taking time to deliberately observe. Slowing down to see more.
What do I see? What don’t I see? What do I need to see?
The payoff? We get closer to the reality of the situation, can better focus our efforts and are less likely to “startle the fawns”.